Interested in learning more about the statistics and facts behind the Daycare vs Stay at Home debate?
In this guide we will show you the latest statistics and facts of [year] so parents like you can decide which option is best for your family!
If you are a family trying to decide between a child care provider and a stay at home mom check out these quotes, statistics and facts so you have all the information about day care and at home child care programs!
A lot of moms are trying to decide if they should stay at home with their kids or work outside the home. This becomes a difficult decision when there is no good answer. The question that needs to be answered depends on your family and what you want for them in life, not what society tells you is right.
There are many factors that go into deciding on which childcare option to choose for your family. Many people believe that daycare is the best choice because it will afford them more time to pursue their careers, but this may not be the case for everyone.
[year] Daycare vs Stay at Home Statistics
The United States Census Bureau reports that as of 2013, the cost of daycare has nearly doubled in the last 25 years. Around 7 percent of family income is spend for child care.
The United States Census Bureau
Children who attend high quality daycare tend to score higher on measures of cognitive and academic achievement
Psych Central
The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development reports the more time a child spends at daycare the less fewer positive family interactions occur
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
One of the biggest ‘Pros’ for staying at home is decrease stress – and higher test scores later in life
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Daycare can often provide a wonderful environment for valuable enrichment activities in art, nature and games, which can increase social skills, intellect and cognitive skills,
TV Personality Dr Phil